Thursday, November 28, 2019

Tragedy of Fate or Character Essay Example

Tragedy of Fate or Character Essay In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. OEDIPUS REX: A TRAGEDY OF FATE OR CHARACTER The dilemma of human sufferings is a very perplexing one. The question that always agitates our minds is why man suffers. Is he responsible for his sufferings, calamities, and misfortunes for his innate defects: Tragic Flaw; or these are the result of enmity of heavenly forces. We also find this enigma in almost all great tragedies of Shakespeare. In King Lear, he says: As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods They kill us for their sports. On the opposite, he says in Julius Caesar: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, for we are underlings. Sophocles’ play ‘Oedipus Rex’ intensifies this perplexity in particular. Just like a common tragedy, the hero suffers in the long run but the readers cannot decide whether he suffers because of his ill luck or his own misdeeds. If we accept that he suffers because it was his destiny and he was not responsible for his actions, then he cannot be viewed as a tragic figure since he would be a mere puppet of fate in this case. We will write a custom essay sample on Tragedy of Fate or Character specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tragedy of Fate or Character specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tragedy of Fate or Character specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer According to Dr. Rhoda Sirlin, Oedipus’ explosive and volatile temper was his tragic flaw. It seems Oedipus’ inability to control his violent anger and extraordinarily suspicious, probing and inquisitive nature lead him to his final doom. No doubt, Oedipus possesses superior qualities of head and heart. At the very start of the play, he proves that he is a sympathetic and magnanimous emperor of the Thebans. He calls the suffering people as â€Å"My Children†. In response to the people’s moaning, he says, Not one is as sick as I,Each of you suffers in himself alone But my spirit groans for the city,For myself, for you. If strength, skill, determination, glory, great deeds of valour, strength and intellect are essential components of a hero, then Oedipus is essentially a great hero. He is one who believes; There is no fairer duty, Than that of helping others in distress. No doubt, Oedipus is impetuous and rash like King Lear, Suspicious like Othello and arrogant like Julius Caesar. The way he blasphemes the teachings of Greek gods and his derogatory treatment with Teiresias and his hubris may be responsible for the calamity that befalls him. Despite all these human limitations, indispensable to all human beings, we cannot pin all responsibility of calamity on Oedipus. A bird’s eye view of the play clearly reveals that Oedipus Rex is a tragedy of fate and not a tragedy of character. His sufferings may be ascribed to the sadistic forces of Nature. How can we impeach him for Parricide and Incest when both these inveterate sins had been prophesied by Oracle even before his birth? As he himself says, I have been preserved for some unthinkable fate. At the injustice and cruel nature of gods, he cries out after blinding himself. If I was created so, born to this fate,Who could deny the savagery of gods. Just like Julius Caesar who says, What can be avoided Whose end is purposed by mighty gods. A perusal of the play substantiates that Oedipus is unfairly accused of parricide and incest. Just like King Lear, he is also, â€Å"More sinned against than sinning. † His elevation to the status of the king is not the result of any personal ambition. His matter of marriage to Jocasta is not his own choice. It was just a custom of the Theban society. He killed the king only in self defence which is permitted by and law of justice. Then where is man’s free will that the sages often clamour. How can we attribute both these sins to Oedipus in the presence of his piety and effort to shun these sins? He tells Jocasta that he was afraid of both these sins and wanted to run away from them. I heard this and fled from that day Corinth to me was only in the stars, To a land where I should not see the evil. Some critics attribute all suffering of Oedipus to his inquisitive nature. He is man who wants to seek truth at any cost. If he is a lover of truth and solver of riddles, he cannot rest content with a lie. Being a great hero, he must tear away the last veil from the illusion in which he had lived so long. He must read the last riddle: the riddle of his of his own life, â€Å"The truth must be made known. † According to Dr. Nagle, Oedipus is a tragic figure because it is his own heroic qualities, his loyalty to Thebes, and his fidelity to truth that ruined him. † No doubt fate has dealt Oedipus and his family a bad hand right from the start. The royal house of Thebes has a long history of undeserved misfortunes starting with Oedipus’ great great grandfather Cadmus and his wife Hermonia. They were both turned into snakes by gods. All four of his daughters were visited with great misfortunes. Zeus killed a daughter. Another became mad while the youngest committed suicide. Likewise Oedipus’ fate resembles that of Tess about whom Hardy says, â€Å" Justice was done and the President of Immortals had ended his sport with Tess. † Same is the case with Oedipus’ tragic fall. At the end of the tragedy, he himself says, Apollo! Apollo, Dear Children, the god was Apollo; He brought my sick, sick fate upon me His saying reminds us of Horatio’s famous saying, â€Å"There is a Divinity that shapes our ends. In a nutshell we can say that Oedipus Rex is a tragedy of Fate. From first page to the last one, even prior to his birth to the final doom, he is a powerless puppet in the hands of gods who play havoc with his life. We sum up the discussion with a Greek thinker’s remarks that clearly explain main theme of the play; â€Å"We men are wretched things and the gods who have no care themselves, have woven the sorrow into the very pattern of our lives. † A critical Note on Oedipus Rex prepared by Mian Zulfiqar, Govt. College, Samundri.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cultural Criticism in Mark Twain s Life on the Mississippi Essays

Cultural Criticism in Mark Twain s Life on the Mississippi Essays Cultural Criticism in Mark Twain s Life on the Mississippi Essay Cultural Criticism in Mark Twain s Life on the Mississippi Essay amounts of goods hipped, but these facts, though they demonstrate useful information about the river, do not show how knowledge ought to be used. The way knowledge ought to be used is part of the cub pilots training, a knowledge that becomes intuitive, almost instinctual and unconscious. -The new river that Twain explores has changed so much so that modern technology has knocked the romance out of piloting. Lamps have been installed along the river; snag boats clear the river from hazard. -The knowledge required in 1882 to be a riverboat pilot now lies in charts devised by Horace Boxy and George Ritchie, ND not in the memory banks of the pilot. Uncle uniforms monologue: They wanted the water to go one way, the water wanted to go another -fear of disappearance of the noble landmarks -Knowledge that ass been stored has become useless -Changes that have occurred along the river since the Civil War: Twain intents to explain the corruption of the South before the Civil War and the decay of the Southern culture, still dependent on that form of knowledge, after the great War between the States C] Most of these changes have been economic -Clearly, L Mississippi is a record of the destruction of the South, even if it remises to be a remembrance of the life that Twain Once had on the banks of the river -Since the moment Hernandez De Sotto and his party of conquistadores first arrived at the banks of the Mississippi in 1 541 m travelers of every variety have flocked to and along this representative river to better comprehend the country thorough which it flows. Both as a conduit for trade and travel, and a destination in its own righ t, the rivers role in national life has changed dramatically over the centuries. It no longer commands the social and economic powers of its antebellum zenith. Nevertheless, it mutinous to occupy a unique place in American travel writing and the American consciousness. -T. S. Eliot appreciated the rivers powers even William Least Heat-Moon, a child of the Missouri who has attempted in his own eatable to testify to the capital allure Of rivers other than the Mississippi, has conceded its encompassing mystique that still hold us in a grand cultural thrall. The Mississippi remains a vital location in the symbolic geography of America. -Mark Twain understood the rivers symbolic nature. He was taught the lesson while learning to pilot a steamboat on the Mississippi; what he learned remains fundamental for successfully piloting a course through the rivers manifold representations. He came to understand that there were to rivers: The physical Mississippi of the imagination, meandering through the mind. For a steamboat pilot, the imagined Mississippi rook precedence. Horace Boxy Twains piloting mentor, instructed him: you can always steer by the shape thats in your head, and never mind the one thats before your eyes The story of Mississippi travel writing can, in one sense , quickly be told in an apparently circular list of its hanging modes Of transport. The canoes Of those attempting to navigate the rivers course today. If each eras travel writing had been defined by a mode of transport, its concomitant relationship with the river has been profoundly different. The river has also been an enigma and an emblem of imperialism. The essential highway of a young nation moving west; the real of profit, increasing arbitration, slavery, and war; a limbo of lost splendor and increasing dismissal; the scene of imaginative resurrection; an escape route to a forgotten America; and, today, an arena in which to test personal limits. The most significant accounts of the Mississippi have been able to assess the river with a profound awareness of its history, and yet still see it with acute, contemporary eyes -The early travel accounts that resulted severe a double role: they fueled imperial desire, and the established certain paradigmatic relationships between the travelers and the river. Broken dreams and ruined fortunes soon littered its banks -Charles Dickens was disappointed expected more -The river, already under serve pressure from the railroads in the sass, was arced to close its waters at the advent of the Civil War. Travel writing was displaced by military dispatch -When the river was again opened for freight a nd passenger traffic, it flowed through a very different landscape. Slavery was gone, the railroads Were dominant, and the steamboat trade was suffering from mortal wounds -The rivers cultural life was about to begin anew: all because the Civil War forced a young steamboat pilot in the trades last flush years. Then he headed West and became Mark Twain -He was the only one back then who wrote about the Mississippi -first 3 chapters deal with geography and the rivers history; after those follow the chapters of the pilot- memories.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Book Review - Essay Example Even in today's market, every term of economy is more or less associated with the value of gold. Lewis also discusses the role of governments and banks in controlling the market with the help of gold price. The way Lewis says everything in Gold is fascinating and his use of language is quite comprehensible to a layman. The writer is quite well known in the world of major economic journals and here in this book, too, he leaves a mark of his writing dexterity and crystal clear understanding of the subject. "Good Money is Stable Money" is the title of the first chapter of this book. Gold begins with very interesting lines where Nathan Lewis explains why human beings are actually the weakest creatures on the earth. Creating tools, discovering techniques and establishing organizations are all that the human beings can do. Human beings do not have efficiency like the animals to hunt for food, but they are very good at calculations. Calculating the effort and productivity, they have gone to the top of the world and ruling over all the other species alive on earth. Then Lewis turns to the subject of capital investment, which is one of the main sources that have been used for the development of individual economy and productivity. Taking risk is undoubtedly a part of this investment and this cannot be avoided by any means. Lewis compares the risk factor with the endangerment that is involved in the act of hunting. The risk factor present a constant threat and the human beings have always fou ght with that. The author explains how the human beings have always searched for a method to develop their productivity. This characteristic, according to him, is quite natural for the most rational creature on this planet. He draws the reference of Charles Darwin in order to prove his theory. Hardship is an integral part of any financial establishment in a human being's life. To draw a comparison Nathan Lewis beautifully draws the picture of a pregnant mother who suffers from pain during feeding herself. Then he also draws the reference of a family structure to show how the whole system operates. Food and shelter of the family are the elements that are ensured by the husband, while, on the other hand, the wife nurtures the new-born baby and takes preparations for the upcoming future days. Through a series of examples Lewis wants to establish an idea in the readers' mind that some of the very basic steps are required for human beings' existence, whether be at the level of families o r in business. These steps include building knowledge (which, in case of business, can be taken as capital investment), specializing in some subject, productive efforts (or in commercial terms, 'equity investment'), and maintaining promises as well as other bonds. The relationship between children and their parents is also drawn into observation regarding this topic. Lewis says that in business, too, the children or the establishment should look after their parents or founders at some point of time. (Page: 5-6) Explaining the market economy, Lewis contradicts the theory of competition in the market. According to him, the system involves more of a cooperation rather than competition among the companies. This cooperation has expanded with the spread of the market horizon and dependability on people of different strata. As

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


PROGRAMMING AND CULTURE IN ARCHITECTURE WAY - Research Paper Example The participants will include the following units; potential users, experts in research and the government official. According to this research, the potential users are the customers and workers of Guatemalteca Bakery restaurant. As a prospective researcher, both the customers and the staffs will undergo the interview since they are deemed to provide relevant information that will benefit my research. Second, the research experts who are part of the participants have a bigger role to play. Experts are professionals who have carried out research in various fields, and also they have a vast knowledge of it. Therefore, the research experts must be included in this particular research. Experts who have knowledge of restaurants and bakery and specifically, Guatemalteca Bakery would benefit this research more. Lastly, the government also plays a role in this research and, therefore, their views are welcomed. The government has policy frame that governs the operations of many enterprises and specifically, the restaurants. The government has the policy to oversee food safety in the restaurants. Also, the government has the authority to issue licenses that will allow the restaurant to carry out its operations. For this research paper, there will be a minimum of ten interviews that will comprise of four employees, four customers, one government official, and one research expert. All the participants will be selected randomly to avoid biases. The first person to be interviewed was the manager of Guatemalteca Bakery restaurant, and the interview was conducted in his office. The interview process will involve the researcher directing questions to the respondents, and recording the answers on questionnaire. I am an external research consultant doing research on Guatemalteca Bakery restaurant. The research will entail a structured interview and, it will consist of ten questions; however the questions will duel mostly on activities on Guatemalteca Bakery

Monday, November 18, 2019

Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Response - Essay Example he globe may be different from that acquired in any other part of the world; hence people should be hired based upon the expertise that they have learned. People gain expertise and knowledge based upon the different culture and their native work environment hence they display their skills much better in those environments in which they have gained those skills. Equal opportunity employer will always be able to gain better employees because of lack of discrimination hence it is decisive that people with diverse backgrounds should be hired. Question: It is very important to have a diverse staff because everyone can communicate with their own race in case they dont understand the language and everyone could help each other out with the tasks and supports one another. The intern Im at is diverse with employees who are Hispanic, Polish, and Swedish. Everyone supports one another and gets along. So I think is a great idea that we should have a diversify place of unity and peace in the work environment.  Ã‚   Answer: Diverse staff helps in better communication through proper conveyance of objective being laid down by the top management; hence this helps in better goal congruence and much greater success for an organization. Question: International companies definitely hire people of different ethnicity so they can have translators. Many companies are expanding outside of their region to do business worldwide. This is why diversity is needed in the workplace. Answer: Multinational organizations hire people from different ethnic background because it helps in better deliverance of the goals to the different employees hired. Besides that, people from different ethnic backgrounds can be transferred to any office of the same country in any other region and this would also help in reduction of costs of hiring staff in that particular region (Expertise may also flow from one region to another with ease). Question: In todays world, everything is very cultural. People travel

Friday, November 15, 2019

Suicide in Northern Canada: A Sociological Perspective

Suicide in Northern Canada: A Sociological Perspective Suicide in Northern Canada: A Sociological Perspective from Two Contrasting Views Joel Ontiveros I. Introduction A growing suicide problem has plagued an indigenous community in northern Canada. Different indigenous communities have had a spike in suicide and attempted suicide due to many social and economic issues. In this essay, I aim to contrast two sociological perspectives of Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx in relation to how and why the native population in northern Canada is having a suicide crisis. II. Suicide in Northern Canada In the Pimicikamak Cree Nation in northern Canada there have been six deaths from suicide within the first months of 2016. In addition to these there have been one hundred and forty attempted suicides within the same indigenous community. According to the New York Times article, [a] Wave of Indigenous Suicides Leaves Canadian Town Appealing for Help, author Liam Stack claims that this wave of suicides is attributed to a faulty relationship between the Canadian government and the native community. The area residents live in extreme poverty and have an unemployment rate of eighty-five percent. Moreover, the native communities poverty leads to a sense of alienation from the non-native southern Canadians who live a more comfortable life. The community and other native communities in northern Canada receive no government investments and do not have access to employment. In addition, there are no hospitals and mental health institutions for hundreds of miles away from the communities. The community, only [has one] fill-time mental health worker [who] has no medical or psychological training, just a bachelors degree in social work.[1] Stack claims that the lack of government cooperation with the communities and trauma from colonialism is what led up to this epidemic. In retrospect, the natives were forced into an alien culture and were stripped of their ancient culture. III. Solidarity and Anomic Suicide From a historical point of view, Emile Durkheim would argue that the spike in suicides in northern Canada is a result of the historical transformation from a more primitive mechanical society to [a] more organic society.[2] Durkheim claimed that a mechanical society is attached together by the common duty that everybody merely does the same type of things. In a mechanical society, all individuals would have a job to fulfill, such as hunting or gathering. This mechanical solidarity would result in individuals having a place in society and feeling a sense of belonging. It is evident that before the Americas were colonized, the natives lived in a mechanical solidarity system that consisted in every individual having a role. These determined roles focused on the collective and did not emphasize individualism. In contrast, once a society has a larger amount of people with more interaction, what Durkheim termed dynamic density, then that society will convert to an organic solidarity, Addit ionally, a division of labor is a factor in this social paradigm. The society becomes more efficient in production because the division of labor demands that the majority of individuals become specialized at a certain task. He believed that anomie happens in an organic society, which is defined as A sense associated with organic solidarity, of not knowing what one is expected to do; of being adrift in society without any clear and secure moorings.[3] Indeed, the native population in northern Canada has become a victim of organic solidarity. The lack of government resources and jobs leads individuals to feel alienated. These individuals do not have a place in modern society because of the lack of jobs and the improper assimilation that was inhumane in the first place, and did not fully incorporate the natives into the European Canadian society. In Durkheims book Suicide, he argued that people a more likely to kill themselves when they do not know what is expected of them.[4] He created categories of suicide that explain why suicide happens. One of his four types of suicide is termed anomic suicide, which he defined as: People are more likely to kill themselves when they do not know what is expected of them, where regulation is low, and they are largely free to run wild. This mad pursuit is likely to prove unsatisfying and, as a result, a higher percentage of people in such a situation are apt to commit this type of suicide.[5] It is evident that the general suicides in northern Canada can be linked to anomic suicide. The individuals do not have access to jobs or resources and live in a society that constantly promotes individualism. The lack of not knowing what to do with oneself, could lead to many existential dilemmas that repressed societies must confront. IV. Class Conflict In a contrasting sociological view, one could link a spike of suicides in northern Canada to the alienation of individuals from class conflict. Karl Marx argued that under capitalism, individuals become alienated from their family, friends, and coworkers, because of a constant conflict between the workers and capitalists. The workers or proletariat have a subsistent wage that merely lets them survive, the majority of natives living in northern Canada do not even have jobs because of an 85% unemployment rate. The natives could be labeled as the lumpenproletariat, or individuals that are below the workers, who may be constantly unemployed. While the lumpenproletariat is below the workers, they still are affected by the clash between the proletariat and bourgeoisie. The capitalists are constantly seeking ways to take advantage of surplus wages, which causes a conflict between the workers. The exploitation of surplus value leads to less resources for communities such as the northern nati ve Canadians. The lack of resources due to exploitation can be compounded with Durkheims organic solidarity, and anomic suicide to highlight the spike in suicides. Additionally, bourgeoisie dominant ideology dictates what norms/mores are to be assimilated by a community. These assimilations have created a cultural genocide for the indigenous population. V. Conclusion The indigenous of northern Canada have seen a spike in suicide because of anomic suicide and the sense of not belonging or knowing what to do in an organic solidarity paradigm. The rise in suicide can also be linked to the class conflict between the capitalists and the workers. Although, the majority of the natives are unemployed, they still are affected by the dominant ideology which dictates the norms that they were forced to assimilate. [1] Cite article pg 2 [2] Book pg 15 [3] Book pg 20 [4] Pg 22 [5] Pg 22

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Freedom Through the Pursuit of Dreams in Their Eyes Were Watching God E

Freedom Through the Pursuit of Dreams in Their Eyes Were Watching God   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the Civil War and the emancipation of the slaves, the ex-slaves could not find enough good work to earn a living. Jim Crow laws were installed to push blacks further away from reaching their dreams. These laws were enforced after Plessy v. Ferguson conviction that blacks and whites could have everything "separate but equal." This included schools, transportation, drinking fountains, bathrooms and more. By 1914 all towns were split down the middle with the blacks on one side and whites on the other (Hoobler 51). The Homestead Act was established in 1866 to help blacks grow in their society. Many bought their own farms or went North and learned to linotype or held other professions such as shoemaking (Hoobler 51). With the movement of blacks to the North came the beginning of the Harlem Renaissance, a black movement in New York in which blacks began to more freely express themselves and their ideas (Rood 38). In illustrating gender roles and the class structu re of a black society, author Zora Neale Hurston portrays the changing black society in her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God through characters that follow their dreams, which helps them take possession of their own lives. The role of women in a black society is a major theme of this novel. Many women help demonstrate Hurston's ideas. Hurston uses Janie's grandmother, Nanny, to show one extreme of women in a black society, the women who follow in the footsteps of their ancestors. Nanny is stuck in the past. She still believes in all the things that used to be, and wants to keep things the way they were, but also desires a better life for her granddaughter than she had. When Nanny catc... ...    Works Cited 1. "Booker Taliafero Washington." Alabama Department Archives & History. World Wide Web. 18 Jan. 1996. Available 3. Encarta. Vers. 1997. Computer Software. Encarta, 1997. CD-rom. 4. Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. 1937. 5. Hoobler, Dorothy and Thomas. The African American Family Album. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995 6. "Jim Crow Laws." FX Bulletin Board Systems. World Wide Web. Available . 7. Nash, Gary B. American Odyssey. USA: Glencoe Division of Macmilla/McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1992 8. Rood, Karen L. American Decades 1920-1929. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc., 1996 9. Whiston, Julie. World Wide Web. Available Freedom Through the Pursuit of Dreams in Their Eyes Were Watching God E Freedom Through the Pursuit of Dreams in Their Eyes Were Watching God   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the Civil War and the emancipation of the slaves, the ex-slaves could not find enough good work to earn a living. Jim Crow laws were installed to push blacks further away from reaching their dreams. These laws were enforced after Plessy v. Ferguson conviction that blacks and whites could have everything "separate but equal." This included schools, transportation, drinking fountains, bathrooms and more. By 1914 all towns were split down the middle with the blacks on one side and whites on the other (Hoobler 51). The Homestead Act was established in 1866 to help blacks grow in their society. Many bought their own farms or went North and learned to linotype or held other professions such as shoemaking (Hoobler 51). With the movement of blacks to the North came the beginning of the Harlem Renaissance, a black movement in New York in which blacks began to more freely express themselves and their ideas (Rood 38). In illustrating gender roles and the class structu re of a black society, author Zora Neale Hurston portrays the changing black society in her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God through characters that follow their dreams, which helps them take possession of their own lives. The role of women in a black society is a major theme of this novel. Many women help demonstrate Hurston's ideas. Hurston uses Janie's grandmother, Nanny, to show one extreme of women in a black society, the women who follow in the footsteps of their ancestors. Nanny is stuck in the past. She still believes in all the things that used to be, and wants to keep things the way they were, but also desires a better life for her granddaughter than she had. When Nanny catc... ...    Works Cited 1. "Booker Taliafero Washington." Alabama Department Archives & History. World Wide Web. 18 Jan. 1996. Available 3. Encarta. Vers. 1997. Computer Software. Encarta, 1997. CD-rom. 4. Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. 1937. 5. Hoobler, Dorothy and Thomas. The African American Family Album. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995 6. "Jim Crow Laws." FX Bulletin Board Systems. World Wide Web. Available . 7. Nash, Gary B. American Odyssey. USA: Glencoe Division of Macmilla/McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1992 8. Rood, Karen L. American Decades 1920-1929. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc., 1996 9. Whiston, Julie. World Wide Web. Available

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Interview Questions and Answers

How are you qualified for this position? I believe that I am qualified for this position because of my knowledge and skills within the networking and database fields. I have developed these skills through previous work experiences and also by completing my bachelor's degree program in Network Communications Management. 2. What are your strengths? I have many strengths and skills that I have acquired through life experiences, job history, and from school.I think the major strengths that I have acquired are loyalty, dedicated work ethic, and patience. 3. What are your weaknesses? The current weakness or challenges I face in a work environment is my kindness. Sometimes people can take advantage of a person who Is too kind, which can be difficult in a work environment. I am working on resolving this problem by identifying those who are trying to take advantage of me and resolving the issue by confronting them. 4. What are your short-term goals? The most Important short-term goal right no w Is to establish a great work environment where I received employment.I also want to be sure I am exceeding expectations in order to receive great responsibility and growth within the company. 5. What are your long-term goals? My long term goal is to continue to expand my knowledge in the database and networking fields. I would like to be at a place where I am able to manage and train other coworkers in order to help grow my company. 6. What can you contribute to this company? I can contribute all of the skills I have learned In my previous database and networking environments.Also, I will be sure that my work, projects, and assignments re all done professionally and in a timely matter. 7. Why are you interested In working for our firm? I am interested in growing my experiences and knowledge in the database and networking fields. I feel that this company will help nourish my skills and keep myself actively learning new technologies. 8. Why are you applying for this position? I am a pplying tort this position because I know that I nave what I t takes to get the work required completed. I will also be able to contribute the skills I have learned in the database and networking fields.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Ashante Indians History of the Ashanti People Asante (Ashanti) History Much of the modern nation of Ghana was dominated from the late 17th through the late 19th century by a state known as Asante. Asante was the largest and most powerful of a series of states formed in the forest region of southern Ghana by people known as the Akan. Among the factors leading the Akan to form states, perhaps the most important was that they were rich in gold. In the 15th and 16th centuries, gold-seeking traders came to Akan country not only from the great Songhay empire (in the modern Republic of Mali) and the Hausa cities of northern Nigeria, but also from Europe. After the Portuguese built the first European fort in tropical Africa at El Mina in 1482, the stretch of the Atlantic coast now in Ghana became known in Europe as the Gold Coast. Akan entrepreneurs used gold to purchase slaves from both African and European traders. Indeed, while Europeans would eventually ship at least twelve million slaves to the Americas (the estimates vary between 20 - 40 million people who were sent to the Americas as slaves from West Africa by European slave traders), they initially became involved in slave trading by selling African slaves to African purchasers. The Portuguese supplied perhaps 12,000 slaves to Akan country between 1500 and 1535, and continued selling slaves from Sao Tome and Nigeria to the Gold Coast throughout the 16th century. Before Benin imposed a ban on slave exports, a Portuguese slave trader reported that at Benin they purchased, "a great number of slaves who were bartered very profitably at El Mina. The labour of these slaves enabled the Akan to expand gold production by developing deep-level mining in addition to panning alluvial soils. Even more importantly, slave labor enabled the Akan to undertake the immensely laborious task of clearing the dense forests of southern Ghana for farming. The most prominent historian of Asante, ... Free Essays on Ashante Indians Free Essays on Ashante Indians History of the Ashanti People Asante (Ashanti) History Much of the modern nation of Ghana was dominated from the late 17th through the late 19th century by a state known as Asante. Asante was the largest and most powerful of a series of states formed in the forest region of southern Ghana by people known as the Akan. Among the factors leading the Akan to form states, perhaps the most important was that they were rich in gold. In the 15th and 16th centuries, gold-seeking traders came to Akan country not only from the great Songhay empire (in the modern Republic of Mali) and the Hausa cities of northern Nigeria, but also from Europe. After the Portuguese built the first European fort in tropical Africa at El Mina in 1482, the stretch of the Atlantic coast now in Ghana became known in Europe as the Gold Coast. Akan entrepreneurs used gold to purchase slaves from both African and European traders. Indeed, while Europeans would eventually ship at least twelve million slaves to the Americas (the estimates vary between 20 - 40 million people who were sent to the Americas as slaves from West Africa by European slave traders), they initially became involved in slave trading by selling African slaves to African purchasers. The Portuguese supplied perhaps 12,000 slaves to Akan country between 1500 and 1535, and continued selling slaves from Sao Tome and Nigeria to the Gold Coast throughout the 16th century. Before Benin imposed a ban on slave exports, a Portuguese slave trader reported that at Benin they purchased, "a great number of slaves who were bartered very profitably at El Mina. The labour of these slaves enabled the Akan to expand gold production by developing deep-level mining in addition to panning alluvial soils. Even more importantly, slave labor enabled the Akan to undertake the immensely laborious task of clearing the dense forests of southern Ghana for farming. The most prominent historian of Asante, ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post

Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post Education is important and every government should make efforts to ensure that its citizens access education. Although education is expensive, scholars and researchers still believe that education is key to success. Therefore, making education accessible to all is the first step towards development and social change.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post-secondary education in Ontairo specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In Canada, people in the lower class face many issues and for some, attaining tertiary education is a big challenge. However, to ensure that needy students in Ontario access the college education, the Federal government of Ontario has been working together with the Central government of Canada to facilitate loans for such students. This paper will discuss extensively the OSAP tuition assistance program and funding of post-secondary education in Ontario, Canada. Conclusion The Canadian government has shown commitments to make certain that education is accessible to all citizens. To ensure that needy students realize their dreams, attain education, and achieve their career goals, the government of Ontario, through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) has been instrumental in funding post-secondary education. Although funding of this program has been a challenge, the Federal government of Ontario has jointed efforts with the Central government of Canada to ensure that all needy students access tertiary education. Various departments have been proactive to ensure success of this project. The Federal government and Department of Human resource and Social development have been administering the OSAP program while the Ministry of Training in conjunction with tertiary institutions is responsible for fair administration of the program hence promoting transparency. Because of commitment by various stakeholders, the implementation of the OSAP program has been very successful. As a result, needy students in Ontario are now able to attain their education and career goals. Since students are required to pay this loan after they have successfully completed their college education, it has been a big challenge for most of them because the current repayment program requires graduates to pay a certain fixed amount of money every month. Since most young graduates do not get well paying jobs, there is a need to make amendments to the current repayment program. The best alternative is fixing the repayment schedule based on income level of an individual, which will enable graduate students to pay the education loan with ease. With such amendments, the OSAP program will continue to help needy students and families achieve their education and career goals.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Monday, November 4, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Physician Assisted Suicide - Essay Example In the film, Jessie states: â€Å"And I can’t do anything either, about my life†¦ it better, make it work. But I can stop it. Shut it down, turn it off like the radio when there’s nothing on I want to listen to.† ( This profound statement implies that the control over a person’s life is in their own hands, however, does this also imply that a person can choose to end his or her life simply out of a desire to stop living? Jessie’s life is more or less normal; therefore her desire to end her life seems inexplicable because it is motivated purely out of the desire to put an end to a life without purpose or meaning. It may be argued that there needs to be a more substantial reason for a person to seek death, yet the single-minded determination of the character to terminate a life not worth living is one that raises the issue of patient choice where suicide is concerned; should physicians always respect the autonomy of the patient that seeks to die through physician-assisted suicide and help them achieve their ends?. Terminally ill patients most often seek the release of death because their lives are too painful or unbearable and request their physicians to assist them in achieving their death. Surveys have been conducted in order to ascertain the thoughts of physicians in the matter of physician-assisted suicide. These surveys have found that physicians are of the opinion that the high levels of physical and mental suffering that some patients go through are most often the reason why they seek to die, while others seek to die in a dignified manner and are tired of life, or do not wish to be dependent upon others (Van Der Maas et al 39-49; Back et al, 919-25).  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Routine Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Routine Letter - Essay Example As we move forward with plans for our yearly spectacular event, we are confident that your proposals will take this year’s project to the next level, increasing visibility and attracting even more public participation. Having seen your presentation, the committee is anxious to move forward. We will need a detailed plan of how you will be proceeding once we have signed with you, especially regarding the acquisition of city permits that will be necessary for the display you are planning to provide. Obviously, we would like to avoid any problems that might arise from the height of some of the props you have proposed. We need to ensure that you will be capable of delivering the creative, extravagant production from your presentation. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I was to meet with you concerning the production that your company has to offer toward our project. Having planned several large scale marketing projects for our company, I have had wonderful opportunities to expand our associations through the participation of a diversity of businesses. I look forward to this being one of those opportunities as I am thrilled to tell you that your company is being awarded the contract. We have seen many clever and innovative presentations regarding this marketing venture, however, none of the other applicants showed the same understanding of our goals as you seemed to share with us. As we move forward with plans for our yearly spectacular event, we are confident that your proposals will take this year’s project to the next level, increasing visibility and attracting even more public participation. Having seen your presentation, the committee is anxious to move forward. We will need a detailed plan of how you will be proceeding once we have signed with you, especially regarding the acquisition of city permits that will be necessary for the display